What To Do A Week Before You Move

Moving is a stressful time, and prepping for the big day can take longer do you think to prepare for. So, what do you do when your moving date is down to a week away? Hopefully, you’ve already done most of your packing and prepping, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some loose ends that need tying up. In this article, we’ll go over the final steps of preparing for a move, so keep reading to find out how to spend your last week before your big move. Turn off the Appliances One commonly forgotten aspect of moving is the appliances and how they need to be packed. If you moving your freezer, it will need to be unplugged early to fully defrost. If it isn’t fully defrosted, you risk it leaking during the move and damaging your other belongings. You’ll need to do the same with your fridge if you’re moving it. For washers and dryers, you may need a professional to disconnect the gas line, or you may […] Continue reading

Things People Forget To Pack On The Moving Day

If you fail to perform a significant task or forget to pack an important item on a moving day it can be extremely frustrating. At the time of preparation and especially on the day of moving we are constantly reminded that we are human and are born with fallible memory. We are not robots armed with a CPU that does not forget anything, ever. But despite all the stress and chaos caused during the house moving process, it is significant that you keep organized and ensure that you do not forget to pack all the utilities you will need in the new house. Here are the common items people forget while packing for a move. 1. Essential documents: Never forget to pack the important documents that you are going to need immediately after moving. Have a binder with places inside it that pack all the necessary documents in the house such as personal documents, house documents, school records, and medical documents, employment-related documents, car documents, finance-related documents, other such critical […] Continue reading