Expert Tips For Safely Moving Your Wardrobe, Antiques, And More

Packing for a move is an art form, often requiring more than simply placing items in boxes. From the size and shape of your belongings to the materials used to protect them, it’s crucial to approach each item carefully—especially when dealing with delicate antiques or heavy wardrobes. Hiring a professional moving company in Chicago, IL., can make the process smoother, helping you ensure your items arrive safely at your new destination. Below, we’ll cover essential packing tips based on size, shape, weight, materials, and how to handle special items like antiques and wardrobes. Packing by Size and Shape Items of different sizes and shapes require tailored packing approaches. Small, sturdy boxes are essential for small, fragile items like dishware or electronics to minimize movement. Professional movers recommend using packing paper or bubble wrap to fill any space in the box, preventing the items from shifting during transit. Custom boxes may be needed for oversized items like picture frames or mirrors. Professional moving companies often provide specialty boxes to protect large, […] Continue reading

How To Organize Your Children’s Belongings For A Move

Moving can be an overwhelming experience for families, especially when children are involved. Not only are you managing your own belongings, but you also have to consider the heaps of toys, clothes, and books that belong to your little ones. Organizing and packing your children’s possessions can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies, it can become an engaging and even enjoyable process. Here’s how to sort and pack your children’s belongings efficiently while keeping them involved every step of the way. Start with a Plan Before diving into the packing process, it’s essential to have a clear plan. Discuss the move with your children to help them understand what’s happening and why. Explain that they’ll be part of the process, from sorting their items to packing them up. This inclusion can help alleviate any anxiety they might feel about the move and turn it into an exciting adventure. Declutter Together The first step in the packing process is to declutter. Go through your children’s belongings together and […] Continue reading

What Supplies Do I Need For Moving And Packing?

Upheaving your home or office near Chicago can be a complex process, and you will need various items and supplies to help ensure a smooth move. Ahead of the move, you can begin preparing by getting the necessary tools and supplies to facilitate a quick and smooth transition. When you decide to move to a new home or office space, there are some essential supplies you should include on your list. BoxesBoxes are among some of the most important supplies when moving anywhere. You will likely have many items that cannot simply be carried from one place to another and will instead need to be transported in boxes. You can try to get free used boxes from friends, neighbors, and businesses, but in some cases, you might need to buy additional boxes from a supplier. Your moving company or packing company might be able to supply boxes if you are paying for these services, so it is worth checking what is included before spending any extra funds on moving and […] Continue reading

How To Make Your Next Move More Effective

According to FiveThirtyEight, the average US citizen will move 11.7 times from birth till death. That is a lot of times packing and unpacking, moving heavy items, and finding new places to live! Moving, even if only a short distance away, can be a daunting task. There is a lot to take on, from packing, to finding a moving company to assist you if needed, to switching addresses and bills over. And if you have a family, it can make it even harder. Both your time and your paycheck will be eaten up by this. Having a plan when it comes to moving can make a world of difference in a smooth move or a disastrous move. Be sure to create a plan for all members of your household, including pets. You will also want to keep the weather in mind, making sure that you have the appropriate weather items, such as plenty of water if it is super hot to extra hats and gloves if you are moving in […] Continue reading

Moving Tips: How To Make Office Moving Easier

Moving offices can be a huge endeavor but luckily it doesn’t have to be a backbreaking one. If you can plan, prioritize safety, be organized, invest in pro movers, invest in commercial storage if required this process can be simplified and the whole moving and packing business doesn’t turn out to be an expensive process. You can follow the tips below for making sure that this commercial move works out well and without any hitch. 1. Begin early Office moving depends on the size of your company and the number of people available for helping you out with the move. Generally speaking, it is a good idea to begin the packing and moving process as early as possible. In many cases, office moving involves more items than even residential moving. Therefore, the packing and moving process can take a lot more time. Do not fall into the fallacy similar to many business owners that underestimate the time required for a move. You can save yourself a lot of trouble by […] Continue reading

Best Way To Pack Wine

Keeping your wine bottles protected during relocation is challenging and requires great extra care. Wine bottles are fragile and a change in temperature, light, humidity, or even vibration can affect them, especially the red wine. Thus, it is important to plan and pack carefully to minimize risk, when moving to another place. Transportation of alcoholic beverages and liquor isn’t easy as value is an important factor especially when it is a vintage or rare collection. Our moving company has an experienced team that is well-aware of your worries and takes utmost care to keep your wine collection protected. How wine bottles are transported when moving to another place? Necessary precautions are required to pack wine bottles properly, they include: Using the Right Boxes Sturdy boxes are designed for wine transportation. These boxes protect liquor and other alcoholic beverages. Cell boxes that have cardboard installed are a good choice too. Other than this Styrofoam divider also works well in protecting bottles from banging to enable easy shifting without any damage. Wine […] Continue reading

Smart Moving For College Students

When the end of the school year approaches there are many things you need to watch out for such as cramming for the finals. In case you are graduating, you will be starting a new chapter in your young life. However, you may be required to do one significant thing beforehand and that is moving out of the room. The fact is that most college students are busy preparing for their studies to worry about moving at this time. But with a bit of help, you can get things organized quickly and say goodbye to the dorm room in a flash. Here are some tips to make sure that the moving out process is effortless and smooth. 1. Prepare a list and have a color-coding system: Although preparing a list of things to do is an obvious suggestion, it is something many people do not go through with. If you can make a list of the boxes you have packed and color-code the boxes as per rooms or roommate, you […] Continue reading

Top Tips For Moving In The Winter

Thinking about braving the cold for a winter move? There are a few things you should think about when making your moving plan. Moving during the winter may seem crazy on the surface, but done right, it can prove to be the ideal time to move. Keep reading to find out the most important factors when it comes to making a winter move. The Advantages of Winter Moving There are a few reasons that moving during the winter months can be to your advantage. The first advantage comes down to scheduling. During the peak moving season in the summer, it can be difficult to schedule a moving company because most of them are dealing with so many jobs. In the winter, however, you’re much more likely to be able to fit moving into your schedule instead of having to schedule your life around it. Similarly, moving in the offseason can be much cheaper than doing so during the busiest times of the year. How to Move in the Winter With […] Continue reading

What To Do A Week Before You Move

Moving is a stressful time, and prepping for the big day can take longer do you think to prepare for. So, what do you do when your moving date is down to a week away? Hopefully, you’ve already done most of your packing and prepping, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some loose ends that need tying up. In this article, we’ll go over the final steps of preparing for a move, so keep reading to find out how to spend your last week before your big move. Turn off the Appliances One commonly forgotten aspect of moving is the appliances and how they need to be packed. If you moving your freezer, it will need to be unplugged early to fully defrost. If it isn’t fully defrosted, you risk it leaking during the move and damaging your other belongings. You’ll need to do the same with your fridge if you’re moving it. For washers and dryers, you may need a professional to disconnect the gas line, or you may […] Continue reading

Things People Forget To Pack On The Moving Day

If you fail to perform a significant task or forget to pack an important item on a moving day it can be extremely frustrating. At the time of preparation and especially on the day of moving we are constantly reminded that we are human and are born with fallible memory. We are not robots armed with a CPU that does not forget anything, ever. But despite all the stress and chaos caused during the house moving process, it is significant that you keep organized and ensure that you do not forget to pack all the utilities you will need in the new house. Here are the common items people forget while packing for a move. 1. Essential documents: Never forget to pack the important documents that you are going to need immediately after moving. Have a binder with places inside it that pack all the necessary documents in the house such as personal documents, house documents, school records, and medical documents, employment-related documents, car documents, finance-related documents, other such critical […] Continue reading