After you have decided to move it is time to decide when. Possibly you do not have a lot of choice about when to move if it is a corporate move. Perhaps there is so little time available at hand for a move that there is no time to research a more convenient and cost-effective way. In any event, you need to consider the timing aspect and decide a better time to call a moving service. It will help in alleviating stress and in some cases will also save money. Best season for a move There are pros and cons involved in moving during all seasons. It doesn’t matter whether you are contemplating a DIY move, or planning to hire a moving company to perform all heavy lifting. Better timing for a move depends on individual requirements, budget, and timeline. If you are planning a long-distance move there are challenges involved in the process for all members of your family. Families with school-going children prefer not to move in the […] Continue reading